Toooo bad
I am so sorry. But, remember - there is more in life than soccer.
Assignment blog for the course in Digital Business Enhancements
As you most likely will figure out, there are number of spam problems in the blogosphere too. Some of it is taken care of by the blogging services/applications (e.g. with CAPTCHA:s).
OK, so Borys was the first one to register his blog at our Bloglines account. Well done! And he managed to Skype me as well. I am impressed.
Just around an hour before midnight on Monday, Borys quickly followed by Bogyslaw (nick names) were the first two students to get their blogs up and running. Both choosed the Blogger service. That choice, combined with that Borys linked to AE DBE blog in his blog roll, made Technorati to figure this interblogging out (follow the Technorati "Blogs that link here").
By now, as I have travelled from my initial idea of having a blogging assignment, to the current setup, I realize that it's structure may need some explanation. It will most likely be difficult for you the first time you try to get sense of the following. But, when you have completed the assignment it will be crystal clear - proof that you have learned a lot of new things!
Good luck - you are about to enter the blogosphere!
The handouts (images from my lectures) are now available as pdf-files.
The final deadline, when I go about to grade your assignment is September 24, 2006. Please note that the sooner you start blogging, the greater are your chances to learn and get a good grade.
You will learn more when you go about to find the answers yourself, instead of just getting one from someone who "knows". Furthermore, you are one of the many students in the class - and I am only one teacher. Therefore, it will be really difficult for me to answer all the questions that may arise.
If that does not help - scream :-)
The main objective with the assignment is to deeply explore tools for Digital Business Enhancements (DBE) and document that journey through active blogging. This imples that you will also get useful and personal hands-on experience with the blogosphere - a wonderful entry into the brave nEw world...
In sum, these are the steps you should take: