Less than three weeks left
Today I took a look at the situation. According to my notes there are 28 registered blogs, of which many are just one post. On the other hand, some of you are doing just fine.
I do not know how many students are in the class, but more than the registered blogs I guess. Most likely those who have not yet created a blog will not make an acceptable assignment.
Neither will those of you who have made only one or two posts...
Please feel to publish what you think about the assignment. Either as posts in your blogs, or by commenting others thoughts on this subject (but I might miss reading such comment).
And I hope you bear with me as I grade your efforts. Quite a complicated task...but you will help. More on that later on.
Rille, considering that all of us at MBA have full time jobs and we spend more than 8 hours working it is a success anyway that so many of us started to do something with our blogs..
I am personally really blogproof, internetproof and computerproof and when it comes to leisure time I never sit at the computer. Therefore when I heard your idea at the lecture about blogging I though: "Oh my God..."..
The assingment is extremely time consuming and very demanding. I spent already more time on it than on writing any task paper for MBA. However - we do lear something new, something that otherwise we would have never learnt, so summarizing it is a very good and unique experience for all of us.
blogproof, I know you all have (more than) full time jobs and yeat are brave enough to take on an MBA course. Ideally you should spend no more time on this assignment than for any other course. Even though I grade you personally, everyone would benefit if you helped each other. (That is what fuels the open source movement). Just as you blogged about e-grasshopper July 7.
luke, have you checked out del.icio.us and technorati.com?
I confirm that such way of assignment is more time consuming. But let’s remember, that lot of that time we spent on learning blogging. Next time it will be easier.
I must say I like that form of assignment very much. I like it not only because it gives a real possibility to learn a lot and forces writing systematically. I like it because it gives a possibility to follow activities of other students. I can read their posts, exchange opinions, discuss. Thanks to that I will learn not only about e-learning (subject of my blog) but also about other problems or e-tools. Even if I did not follow all blogs at the moment (despite there are few of them) after you/we will grade them I hope I will have possibility to read them later on. (so dzejdzej please don’t delete her blog please!)
Unfortunately, despite good idea about blogging form I must say that it hasn’t worked as I expected. We have only few blogs that are published with more then 5 posts...
Only one think I can do, is agree with all of us...
Yes, in the red corner we spend a major part of day in front of our computer screen, on the meetings, negotiations, in business trips... but in the blue corner, the MBA course was our deliberate choice!
I realize, that I didn’t and I don’t have sufficient time to publish more interesting posts in my blog and also to monitor (it means read carefully) my school friends’ blogs too. But I learn a lot and I suppose, that this is the general idea of this assignment.
Hi Rille,
I agree with other students according to things which we learned and positive aspects of this new kind of learning.
According to your post I’d like to suggest, that all students who created blog should pass this assignment. In my opinion, creation of a blog was the most critical part of the assignment.
For the future of this assignment I’d like to propose a very interesting challenge: I think you should try with the next group of students to promote the assignment blogs within other internet societies using e.g. youtube.com or other web 2.0 technologies. I think it will be interesting experiment with such open assignment. By the way I’m personally interested in result of such experiment.
Ending the assignment I’d like to thank you for interesting courses and assignment and also other students from the course who inspired me like: man1ana, MBALUKE and especially blogproof for deep discussions about bloging on skype.
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