Final grades

OK, the final grades are out. A few changes have been made after the beta (where you find information about the assessment procedure). Most notably Borys deserves to be included among the masters (who now are six). Of the 35 blogs 32 was accepted (or better). Magda may still be accepted because we have earlier agreed on an extended time for that blog (for reasons the blogger in question brought up early on).
I have probably spent ten times the amount of time I anticipated (and is paid for) for this course. On the other hand I have learned a lot and believe that we togheter created a great case, in some sense seminal. I wish to thank all of you that took this task seriously (which can bee seen in your grades). Good luck with your future studies, work and life in general!
In case you want to add some forther remarks here concerning how you look at the assignment per se, I suggest you do that as comment on the earlier post (Less than three weeks left) which already contain such reflections. And/or of course in your own blogs.
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